About Tuza Investments

Our Tuza Team is committed to honesty, integrity, and reliability. Our Team consists of David, Shirley and numbers of wonderful partners who work with us to allow us to serve our clients well. Our partners include Real Estate Agents, Mortgage Brokers, Investors, Bankers, Home Inspectors, Insurance  Agents, Renovation Experts, and many others, all working together toward a common goal of win / win for all concerned.

We have loved real estate and in our over 40 years of marriage, have bought and sold many homes. We have a passion to help others realize the dream of home ownership. We believe it is a strong foundation for family and financial stability.

After over 40 years of experience in sales and the successful operation of multiple companies, David brings a wonderful compliment of knowledge and ability to Tuza.

As a stay at home Mom, Shirley was able to enter into many entrepreneurial venues. This work experience along with the great life lessons to be learned as you raise seven children adds a depth of understanding that helps to make Tuza a company where everyone can win.

We have been excited to see each of our children accept the challenges life has to offer and choose greatness. What a gift it is to have added fifteen beautiful Grandchildren to the family and to watch them find value in home ownership as they become adults!

A few years ago we chose to educate ourselves extensively in the realm of Real Estate Investment. The courses we took were a wonderful extension of our basic commitment to honesty, integrity and reliability, as well as giving us a complete system at our fingertips to get the job done.

We have now managed to give a great many folks an opportunity to own their own property and to live in a home they love, as they make arrangements to complete on it. It has been an exciting time and very rewarding for all involved.

We chose the name Tuza for our company because of its meaning. Tuza is a Swahili word for: GIFT, REWARD, HONOR. It is a privilege and gift to serve you, our clients, helping you achieve what you want in a home. Our team is committed to serve you as efficiently and effectively as possible in order for you to reach your home ownership and investment goals